Yesterday we finally had a changing of the retrograde guard finalised.
The interior planets – Venus and Mercury as well as Jupiter – are no longer retrograde as they were in the beginning of the year. Mercury and both benefics are now Direct, because yesterday Jupiter turned direction.
We already have Mars Retrograde from March, 1st,
And Saturn Retrograde from March, 2nd.
So both malefics will now render their retrograde influence clearly.
From the modern planets also Pluto is retrograde from March, 4th.

This year i tend to feel only the Jupiter influence when it switches direction, since in my profections (backed up with the ongoing Jupiter firdaria period) Jupiter is elevated. Of course accordingly to it’s position in my Natal and the charts of it’s turnings. And it will stay that way till May, 20.

Anyone else fulfilled his/her last ponderings and insights into a measurable “real” thing?