We know that only a small percent of people have six of main planets retrograde (not counting Lunar Nodes etc.), almost none have seven of them. So, where there any Music icons or other famous stars with many retrograde planets? Sure, they were. At least one such a icon of music and other media is still alive. Although she was most famous in her youth in the 1960s, she stayed creative for present day.
Françoise Hardy
She had a quite harsh childhood, being the poorest girl around her peers she never outlived her shyness ultimately. Then she became a famous model, though she treated that only as a hard work. Also a singer – the icon of the 1960s and a TV-star. And finally… an author of astrological books. Moreover her beauty just grow in character.She ideally fits the pleiad of famous and not-famous horoscopes, I tried to cover in my article. In the version of it that would be printed in March issue of “The Astrological Journal” I had to omit mentioning her (as many others). Now I would like to use more of them…
Astrological Chart of Françoise Hardy
The Ruler of both the Ascendant and the Medium Coeli in the natal chart of this mysterious singer is Mercury-Retrograde in her fifth sign (expression) in a mutual reception with Saturn-Retrograde placed in the 10th house (fame). We don’t have so many people with many Retrogrades (here: six) among the popular idols.I wonder, how many do recognize who is it about…

Horoskop urodzeniowy Françoise Hardy
Hardy, Françoise; 17.01.1944; 21:30; GMT +1; Paris, France; 48°52′”N; 2°20′”E; Source: AstroDataBank
Françoise Hardy and Astrology
Unfortunately Miss Hardy is hard to reach, so I wasn’t able to interview her.
Her adventure with the astrology has started when she was 30, so just a while after her Saturn Return. By that time, she met french astrologer – Jean-Pierre Nicola – who made her fascinated with this topic and she started taking lessons from him.
In the year 1980-1982 together with an actor, Benoît Allemane, she run a regular radio broadcast on astrology in Radio Monte Carlo, entitles “Les Signes du Destin” (The Signs of Destiny), in which Allemane was describing a life of a famous person born as closed as possible to the date of the broadcast, and Françoise did an analysis of the planetary influence on the life of that person. They were probably using only the dates without the time of birth, rendering and analysis in the fashion typical to colorful magazines on fortune-telling and horoscopes.
On her website one can see her astrological books titles (though, not all of them, below I list some more books I was able to find).
It seems to be just the simple Sun Signs type of astrology, which doesn’t mean that she restricts her astrological attention to just that. It’s just understandable that a well know celebrity would rather publish an artistic but really simple book, certainly not a technical and detailed workbook. Justifiably with so many retrogrades her treatment of astrology must be fre-flowing. She probably “feels” the astrology.

Les Signes du Destin
(Signs of Destiny)
(Editions de Radio Monte Carlo, 1984)
A series of separate books on each sign of the zodiac, with the examples of the famous people, based on the material from the radio series with the same title, mentioned above.
L’Astrologie universelle: Le zodiaque comme vous ne l’avez jamais vu.
(Universal astrology: The Zodiac that you havn’t seen)
(Albin Michel, 1986)
Entre les lignes, entre les signes.
(Between Lines, Between Signs)
in collaboration with the graphologist, Anne-Marie Simond.
(Editions de Radio Monte Carlo, 1988).
The analysis of the handwriting and the signs of the zodiac of 22 famous Frenchmen.
La graphologie planétaire : Une typologie de l’écriture et de la personnalité.
(The Planetary Graphology: Typology of personalities based on the handwriting)
in collaboration with the graphologist, Anne-Marie Simond
(Albin Michel, 1989)
Les Rythmes du zodiaque
(The Rhythms of the Zodiac)
(Le Cherche-midi, 2003)
Le grand livre de la Vierge.
(The Grand Book of Virgo)
(Tchou, new edition 2006)
…good article, I like Françoise Hardy
I also have 5 retrograde planets (Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, Mercury) … I was a bit surprised when I saw the birth chart of my favorite musician David Sylvian, who has a retrograde Jupiter, Neptune, Pluto, Uranus and the North Node, but then I realized that I simply reasoned on similar frequencies, and that is the reason why so many enjoy his music … just recognize it. 🙂